NovaNet Newsarchive

3500 Parkway Lane
Suite 440
Norcross, GA 30092
Tel: (770)729-1997
Fax: (770)729-1992

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Raising Expectations

At NovaNet, it is not business as usual. Their products and services do not just meet expectations...they exceed them.

NovaNet is not owned by physicians, hospitals, or insurance carriers, so they are free to design and deliver what their clients need without the usual bureaucratic challenges, competitive pressures, and bias issues. This flexibility allows NovaNet to collaborate directly with its clients to develop solutions to solve today's issues, as well as anticipate tomorrow's challenges.

The following Products & Services are offered:

NovaNet also provides discounted access to a national transplant network, INTERLINK Health Services.

The INTERLINK Transplant Network is a national network and an established leader in the transplant network industry, often referred to as being one of the most used and respected transplant networks in the United States.

To learn more, please visit InterLink Health Services' website. Please be sure to enter NovaNet's Source Tracking Number SNN-Z1-997 on InterLink's "Notice of Potential Transplant Form" to receive NovaNet's discounted rates.

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